

Successful open house at the 1st 10 series customer in Poland

Our Polish distributor, Derya Sp.z.o.o. had a successful open house at Polish customer, "MuruGumbel", who purchased and installed a very 1st RMGT 10 series press in Poland last year in addition to the RMGT 920ST-5+CC+SLD which was installed there in 2017.

     RMGT 1050LX-6+CC+LD.jpg
     RMGT 1050LX-6+CC+LD

Derya invited a lot of potential customers, suppliers, Polish local magazine, etc.. and in fact, more than 100 people participated in this open house. During the open house, Derya showed quick job changes by 4 different types of jobs, by the RMGT 1050LX-6+CC+LD equipped with simultaneous plate changer, and many participants were impressed with quick job change, stable printing and productivity of the 1050LX-6.
This 1st RMGT 1050 installation in Poland definitely will open the door for more and more RMGT 1050 nstallation in Polish market from now on!

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             (in front of the 1050LX-6+CC+LD)

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