Improving Employee Satisfaction Levels, Promoting Safety and Health
Creating harmonious, supportive workplaces
We are working to utilize diverse human resources, foster an environment where everyone can achieve their full potential,
and create workplaces where everyone can perform their duties safely, healthily, and enthusiastically.
Enhancing Safety
The Ryobi Group is working tirelessly to foster a safety-focused culture.
Basic Policy
We strive to create a safe and healthy workplace for our employees. To this end, we conduct various activities to foster a safety-focused culture where everyone puts safety first, and to improve people's mental and physical health.
Safeguarding Health
The Ryobi Group is striving to create a sound working environment so that all employees can stay mentally and physically healthy.
Ryobi Group Health Declaration
The Ryobi Group considers employee health, both mental and physical, to be the bedrock of its operations. Accordingly, we believe that empowering employees to fully take advantage of their unique personalities, realize their full potential and pursue happiness, is a key to achieving sound corporate development.
As we aim to become "a sound and dynamic corporation" defined by our corporate philosophy and thereby achieve ongoing business development and corporate growth while contributing to society, we will rally the Ryobi Group’s entire strength to help employees and their families maintain and improve their health. To this end, we will promote the initiatives listed below to create an environment in which everyone can work vibrantly while staying healthy.
- Help each employee raise their health awareness and encourage them to strive themselves to prevent disease, stay in good condition and improve their health, to this end offering proactive assistance to these efforts.
- Strive to create a workplace environment in which all employees can work vibrantly with confidence, with the utmost priority placed on safety and health.
September 2018
Akira Urakami, President and CEO
Striving to Improve People's Mental and Physical Health
Based on the Health Declaration, we are strengthening the system to encourage employees and their family to maintain and improve mental and physical health, and working to create an environment where everyone can work with health and vitality.
Certified as an Outstanding Health & Productivity Management Organization
For five years in a row, Ryobi Limited was chosen as an outstanding organization under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program co-sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).
As part of its corporate philosophy, Ryobi has defined its management mission as "Value the trust and goodwill of society, and strive to become a strong, dynamic organization that reflects the originality and creativity of individual employees." In line with this mission, the Company is working to foster a corporate culture that facilitates innovation by empowering individuals with diverse personalities to fully take advantage of their unique strengths.
Programs Supporting Flexible Work Styles
Assistance Programs Related to Childbirth and Child Rearing
In addition to providing female employees with childbirth and child rearing leave, we encourage male employees to take childbirth leave and to otherwise take advantage of leave granted to them to help them play their part in child rearing.
Assistance Programs Related to Nursing Care
These programs are designed to enable employees engaged in nursing care to continue working without becoming overburdened. By doing so, we strive to ensure that no one feels compelled to resign involuntarily due to the need to provide nursing care.
Ryobi Nursery School
For more than 50 years, Ryobi has endeavored to create an environment that allows employees engaged in child rearing to work with confidence by providing a robust facility that can be entrusted with their children. Ryobi Nursery School was thus established in 1967 as a project undertaken by the Company's employee mutual aid association. Currently, the facility is managed by Ryobi Life Services Ltd. and, as a certified licensed nursery school, it also accommodates children who are not members of Ryobi employee families.
Hiring New High School Graduates with Disabilities and Supporting Their Career Development
We regularly hire new graduates from special-needs high schools. Once they become a part of our workforce, we provide them with career development assistance while periodically confirming their status with regard to work and personal growth to ensure that they are finding their jobs rewarding and leading fulfilling lives.
Empowering Seniors via the Introduction of Diverse Work Styles
We provide employees with career design education, briefings on retirement benefits, public pensions and wages for rehired employees, and otherwise extend support to help them choose optimal career options. These measures are intended to help employees discover a sense of fulfillment throughout the course of their lifelong career journeys. Furthermore, we have introduced reemployment systems that allow employees who have reached retirement age but have opted to apply for rehiring to flexibly choose from work style options ranging from positions involving full-time working hours to those with reduced working hours, such as half-day or half-week (three days per week) attendance, based on their lifestyles.