A Message from the Management

Aiming to Become a Sound and Dynamic Corporation

Guided by its corporate philosophy, "Create a sound and dynamic corporation through technology, trust and challenge," the Ryobi Group seeks to establish itself as an indispensable existence by responding to the needs of customers and society, through innovative, top-quality products and services.

During 2023, the normalization of the Japanese economy progressed drastically as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic came to an end. On the other hand, amid growing tensions arising from the situations in the Middle East and Ukraine, the enforcement of monetary tightening policies continued in countries around the globe. However, the ongoing robustness of the U.S. economy supported the vitality of the Japanese economy.

In the automotive industry, production volumes remained on a recovery track as automakers—a major customer group for Ryobi—benefitted from such positive factors as the alleviation of restrictions previously placed on semiconductor supply. However, these manufacturers also confronted surging labor costs in the United States and other issues in 2023. Meanwhile, a shift toward EVs has been promoted globally in response to growing public calls for carbon neutrality. Amid an ongoing trend toward innovation in manufacturing methods, such as the newly introduced "gigacasting," Ryobi is determined to play a significant role in advancing these technologies as a manufacturer specialized in die casting.

Under these conditions, the Ryobi Group is committed to securing sustainable improvement in corporate value from a medium- to long-term perspective. To this end, the Group has positioned "Environment," "Social" and "Governance" (ESG) as pillars of its management strategies. Also, with the global trend toward decarbonization now calling for the electrification of automobiles, we aim to help enhance fuel and energy efficiency as well as the realization of a recycling-oriented society via the provision of aluminum die castings that are lightweight and highly recyclable.

As Ryobi continues to expand and intensity its efforts to be a sound and dynamic corporation, we humbly ask for your continued understanding and support.

March, 2024

Akira Urakami
President and CEO

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